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1. Presentation of data

Now we proceed to present the key data for specific ailments in the following order


  Respiratory ailments


  Diabetes Mellitus


  Cardio Vascular ailments



A) Bronchial Asthma

Patients with established bronchial asthma with or without nasal allergy were selected. They all had either seasonal of perennial episodic attack of airway obstruction (wheezing) with intervals of normal health. Only a few (about 10) of the chronic patients had gone on to emphy sematous changes (all of them starting with episodic asthma) leading to continuous wheezing and breathlessness. The airway obstruction was precipitated by different factors like change of weather, dust, smoke, oil, food, exercise, emotions, or infections. Yoga practices used included the basic set (R11b). Special feature of our camps and yogic training is CHAIR BREATHING technique to deal with the episodes of airway obstruction (F, 12a).

The data has been presented in two parts


Short term studies


Long term follow-up studies.

The short term studies consisted of


Data taken on a group of 57 patients with self-control (Table 2.2)


Matched control group data (without yoga) compared with the yoga group with 33 patients (Table 2.3)


Psychological, assessments with Psychosomatic inventory (for about 140 patients) and personality questionnaires   for about 25 patients (Table 2.4.1 and 2.4.2).

The follow-up studies consisted of


Data taken on a group followed up for 3 months to 3 years on 680 patients (table 3.1)


Matched control group data (without yoga ) compared with the yoga group on 30

patients (Table 3.2). The groups were matched for age, sex, severity of asthma, seasonal / perennial and the date of visits to our out patients clinic.

(B) Diabetes Mellitus

Two groups of (50 & 32) patients who had established Diabetes mellitus for 1 to 23 years were treated by regular yogic practices. Their weight, 2 hours post prandial blood sugar in Mgs% urine sugar and medication were recorded before, during and after the yogic practices.

The inpatients were supplied with the calculated diabetic diet from the hospital and the outpatients were advised to change to the required diet pattern if they were not already following the correct dieting schedule. The yogic Practices taught to them are reported elsewhere (D' 4a & 4b).

(C) Cardio Vascular Diseases

In this category, Patients suffering from angina and Hypertension get treatment with yogic practices. Rehabilitation of persons who had suffered infarction and angina was also attempted. We now present some more details about the hypertension cases.


19 patients in the age group of 29 and 52 with established hypertension have been followed tip over a period of 3 months after the initial yoga training One of these patients had steroid induced hypertension and the other belonged to the essential group as established after the complete profile of investigations done by their family physicians, results of which were perused at the time of medical check up at the beginning of the yoga training.

Yogic practices were selected with a view to take them to very deep relaxation. They we're asked not to practice postures which cause strain on the heart. The practices taught are reported in (C 14) while the data and results are presented in Table 5

Ischaemic Heart Diseases

The group consisted of 13 patients with established angina with hypertension. Of these, 3 cases had suffered myocardial infarctions earlier. The parameters were recorded before and after the yogic training (2 weeks or 1 month). The data and results are presented in Table 6(C 16).

(D) Miscellaneous

The data on GI Disorders are presented. In this group we have come across 18 patients with hyperacidity, excessive gas formation with hunger pains with or without established peptic ulceration (P. U.). There were a few patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with symptoms of frequent urge to go to the toilet with a feeling of incomplete bowel emptying. Most of them had formed stools with frequency worst in the morning before getting out for work, the 3rd or the 4th stool associated with mucous. A few of them had loose stool with mucous and blood.

Results on 20 patients with anxiety neurosis have been reported in (A 13) For the others ailments the data are being collected.

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