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Notwithstanding the sincere and subtle, (atomic level) researches, the attempts to understand life as an offshoot of matter, a conglomeration of a complex configuration of atoms and molecules (called DNA & RNA), are leading man to regions of greater complexity. *The decades of subtler and expensive research have yielded much less fruit than expected.

However, better understanding of life appear to be forthcoming with efforts directed in fields of modern psychology10 and Parapsychology. 11 The forerunner of many of these efforts could be traced back to the work of Kirlian .19.13.17 Controversies apart, Kirlian photography triggered the interest of a large number of scientists and technologists all over the world. Investigations into the unknown regions of human existence started unravelling the mysteries of 'life'. Parapsychology Institutes have grown in number. Scientists have started reconsidering their hypothesis that 'life' also is an emergence from matter. They recognize some existence beyond the physical body. The scientific study of the Human Aura by Tart 15 (See Page 137), the professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis, USA, delineates the following sheaths of human aura:

1.   The physical aura
2.   The psychological aura
3.   The psychical aura &
4.   The projected aura.

In relating the experience of the psychics the term's human aura, Etheric double, Astral body, Thought-forms15 etc have been studied. Nirmala 8 has summarised the various systems about the layers of consciousness as depicted in Indian philosophical and Yogic texts.

In the tradition of Yoga and Upanisats there are five sheaths of existence of Man.13 The first and the grossest - the physical frame which we are all so familiar is called ANNAMAYA KOSA. The second subtler sheath is the 'PRANAMAYA K0SA' featured by the predominance of Prana, the life principle. Through the invisible channels called NADIS in this sheath flow the PRANA.

The next sheaths in the order of subtlety are


A Schematic diagram shown in Fig. 2 indicates Anandamaya Kosa as the inner most and the subtlest. As the sheaths become subtler, the freedom of operation in the living beings increases, the bondage decreases and the bliss associated with it also increases. While in Manomaya Kosa the creative power predominates, in Vignanamaya Kosa it is the power to discern and act in tune with it discriminate. Bliss is embodied in Anandamaya Kosa, the highest stage of evolution in the manifested existence. It is the subtlest among the 5 sheaths of existence. In his journey towards the Ultimate, Man crosses these sheaths of existence one by one. Through analysis, called 'Panca Kosa Viveka' (Knowing through experience his 5 sheaths of existence) 18 and the associated practices called 'Tapas'’ man transforms himself by gradually getting relieved from the bondages and constrictions of each sheath. This is one of the methods of reaching the ultimate goat enumerated and described in the Upanisats.

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