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The data for all four assessments (grip strength, tweezer dexterity, critical flicker fusion frequency, and degree of optical illusion (Muller-Lyer lines)) of the three groups were compared for significant differences using separate single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). The group average values were tested for significant differences using the 't' test for unpaired data comparing two groups at a time. The single factor ANOVA showed a significant difference between the critical flicker fusion frequency values of the 3 groups, [F = 18.36, F.001 (2) 2, 87 = 8.30, hence P<. 001] and for the degree of optical illusion using the Muller-Lyer lines during "in trials" [F = 18.99, F.001 (2) 2, 87 = 8.36, hence P<. 001]


(Fig.1) There was no significant difference between the three groups for degree of optical illusions for "out trials", hand grip strength scores obtained for either hand or for the tweezer dexterity scores (P<0.1 in both cases) (Fig 2).

The 't' test for unpaired data showed the following significant difference (i) Critical flicker fusion frequency was significantly lower in the CHP group, compared to SCH group (t = 5.72, P<0.01) and 'compared to CHY group (t =5.72, P<0.01). (ii) Degree of optical illusion for "out trials" i.e. the "di' was significantly higher (marginal difference) in the CHP group compared to SCH ( t = 1.92, P<.05). (iii) Grip strength was significantly lower in 'CHP group compared to SCH group for the right hand (t = 2.00, P<. 05, one tailed).

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