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The group means + SEMs obtained in the two sessions are given in Tables 1 & 2

Table 1: Means and Standard Error of the Means (SEMs) of Oxygen Consumption, Breath Rate and Breath Volume (n = 25)

Parameters IRT SR
    Pre Post Pre Post
Oxygen Consumption
Mean 846.1 694.8 720.6 670.1
SEM 84.1 61.4 54.8 68.1
Breath Rate (cpm,) Mean 11.8 9.4** 11.5 10.2
SEM 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.7
Breath Volume (ml) Mean 1079.2 1188.3 986 1052.6
SEM 68.0 75.1 84.0 75.9

* p<.01 paired t-test. “Post” compared to “Pre”

Table 2
Means and Standard Error of the Means (SEMs) of Autonomic Variables (n=15)
Before and After Isometric Relaxation and Supine Rest

Parameters IRT SR
    Pre Post Pre Post
Heart Rate (bmp) Mean 76.1 74.8 76.3 75.8
SEM 2.6 3.0 2.3 2.7
Respiratory Rate (cpm,) Mean 19.1 17.0* 19.1 18.0
SEM 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.2
Finger Plethysmogram amplitude(mm) Mean 3.73 4.05 7.43@ 5.27***
SEM 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.7
Low frequency(in nU) Mean 35.9 37.4 37.9 40.3
SEM 2.1 3.9 4.3 3.6
High frequency(in nU) Mean 64.1 62.6 62.0 59.6
SEM 2.1 3.9 4.3 3.6
LF/HF ratio Mean 0.59 0.84 0.76 0.79
SEM 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1

* p<0.05 ***p<.001, paired t test. “Post” compared to “Pre” @p<.001, Tukey test
The paired t test showed significant reduction in breath rate (20.6%, p<.01) after IRT, values for oxygen consumption and breath amplitude after both IRT and SR sessions were not significant

Autonomic measures
There was no significant difference between values recorded before and after the session of isometric relaxation techniques and of supine rest (i.e., Factor B) for finger plethysmogram amplitude, heart rate, high frequency in power spectrum low frequency, ratio of low frequency to high frequency (LF/HF). The differences between the two categories of subjects (Factor A) was significant for finger plethysmogram amplitude (F=15.90, df =1.56, p<. 001 (2), with a significant interaction between Factors (A X B) for finger plethysmogram amplitude (F=4.04, for df =1.56, p<. 05(1)).

Tukey multiple comparison test shows that the average finger plethysmogram amplitude recorded before SR as a baseline was significantly more than the average value recorded before IRT (q = 6.0, p<. 001).

The paired t test showed a significant reduction in respiratory rate (10.4%, p<. 05) after IRT and in finger plethysmogram amplitude (29.0%, p<. 01) post SR, compared to the respective "before" value for these parameters.

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