Reviews & Ratings
Total 442 Customer Ratings  |  Write a Review |
 Customer Ratings of Neem Tulsi Soap
21 Feb 2023
I love the rollers and the quality of each! I have a yoga studio and we use them often!
The neem soap I don`t like the smell, but it does a great job cleaning!
from   Red Bud, United States

09 Mar 2021
I`m always on the lookout for products that have pure natural ingredients with no synthesized chemicals or artificial fragrance. These soaps seem to fit that description. The fragrance is lovely. They are easy on the skin, too. I recommend them. The neem wood products are also quite good. Toothpicks are a little on the large size but still a good choice. Patricia
from   Kinderhook, United States

09 Mar 2021
I`m always on the lookout for products that have pure natural ingredients with no synthesized chemicals or artificial fragrance. These soaps seem to fit that description. The fragrance is lovely. They are easy on the skin, too. I recommend them. The neem wood products are also quite good. Toothpicks are a little on the large size but still a good choice. Patricia
from   Kinderhook, United States

09 Mar 2021
I`m always on the lookout for products that have pure natural ingredients with no synthesized chemicals or artificial fragrance. These soaps seem to fit that description. The fragrance is lovely. They are easy on the skin, too. I recommend them. The neem wood products are also quite good. Toothpicks are a little on the large size but still a good choice. Patricia
from   Kinderhook, United States

22 Feb 2021
I live in New Zealand and have had excellent service from Health and yoga. My order arrived withing 7 day`s of their notification that it had been dispatched. Amazing in this time of delay`s. Any email I sent was answered immediately and I was kept informed during the whole process. Outstanding service, thank you very very much. Julia
from   Kaiapoi, New Zealand


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