var news=new Array(); var link=new Array(); news[0]='A Materialistic Case for Spirituality'; link[0]=''; news[1]='Bandha Trayam in Gitananda Yoga'; link[1]=''; news[2]='Understanding Karma Yoga'; link[2]=''; news[3]='Understanding Disease Onset and its Control'; link[3]=''; news[4]='Yoga, Fitness and Self Improvement the Unending dilemma'; link[4]=''; news[5]='Lifestyle Issues Affecting Upper Respiratory Health'; link[5]=''; news[6]='Ashram Experience'; link[6]=''; news[7]='Avian Flu and Neti'; link[7]=''; news[8]='Understanding Yoga Holidays'; link[8]=''; news[9]='Sheetali Pranayam (Cooling Breath)'; link[9]=''; news[10]='Breaking the Hold of Thought'; link[10]=''; //document.write('

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