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Sprouts For You

Sprouts for You

All sprouts are extremely beneficial for the health. All kinds of gram, cereals, legumes and other seeds can be sprouted in all seasons and all climates.

One of the legumes that is said to be the most powerful is the Alfalfa (medicago sativa).

Alfalfa is one of nature's oldest plants and is known to be cultivated for over 2000 years. It gets its name from Al-Fal-Fa which means "father of all foods".
Sprouts For You
" My Sprouter is wonderful I am in a Montessori classroom and my 4 year olds made their own sprouts today. They are thrilled by eating "roots". My colleagues are all anxious to get one in their classrooms. "
Samantha Otte, Escondido, CA
Alfalfa contains every known vitamin in perfect balance necessary for the human body. Vitamin A- essential for a lustrous skin and healthy hair - is present in extraordinary high quantities as is Vitamin K (rare in most plants), which protects against hemorrhage and has been found effective in curing high blood pressure in test animals.

The protein content of alfalfa is 18.9% as compared to 16.5% in beef, 13.1% in eggs and 3.3% in milk.

Alfalfa sprouts are excellent soft bulk for the intestinal tract and easily digestible by infants and adults alike.

Irrespective of the seeds chosen for sprouts, it is advisable to use a hygienic method of preparation and one which eliminates much of the inconvenience.

Use the Sprouter, to help make sprouts hygienically, faster and with enormous ease. To know more about the Sprouter, Read on�

Sprouts Sprouter

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