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Yoga For Depression

Integrated approach of yoga therapy includes techniques that correct the imbalances at physical, mental, emotional and notional levels. The physical yoga practices (asanas) have advantages over other forms of physical exercises. yoga asanas are to be performed indoor .on an empty stomach, early in the morning or evening when you are not too hungry. Yoga practices are to be maintained in the final posture with ease and effortlessness (sthiram and sukham) for a comfortable duration of time (one to three minutes) without much strain or pain. Most of the asanas involve bending or twisting of the spine in different ways, maintained without exhaustion, and helps in mobilizing the fat in the trunk region. The fat tends to accumulate in abdomen, thighs, waist and buttocks where there is loose space under the skin. Yoga practices are of special value to cut down the fat in these areas. For example for reducing the fat on the abdomen, the practice of straight leg raising and dorsal stretch as exercises followed by navasana is useful.

Naukasana, Shalabhasana and Dhanurasana are useful for reduction of fat in the buttocks. To reduce excess fat on the waist there are asanas like Trikonasana, Parivritta trikonasana, spinal twist etc., To reduce the fat on arms one can use some loosening practices such as shoulder rotation and elbow movements followed by Vakrasana, Ardhamatsyendr asanas, Tiger breathing, All these practices help in stretching, exercising and or compressing the area where excess fat has accumulated. This promotes better blood flow and rapid mobilization of the fat from these loose tissues under the skin.


Sthithi: Prone Posture


  • Bend the knees and hold the ankles by the palms.

  • As you inhale, raise the head and the chest upwards. Pull the legs outwards and backwards so that the spine is arched back like a bow.

  • Stabilize (rest) on the abdomen.

  • Do not bend the elbows.

  • Look up

  • Keep the toes together.

  • Rock the whole body forward and backward rhythmically 5 to 10 times.

  • Then relax for a while. Slowly comeback to Sthiti.


Removes gastro intestinal disorders, stimulates and helps in slimming the whole body. Gives good stimulation and flexibility to the back.


People with general debility should be cautious while performing this Asana.

This article has been written by Dr. R. Nagarathna, Dean, Division of Yoga & Life-sciences, SVYASA
This article is published online courtesy
and Arogyadhama

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