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Yoga For Tonsillitis

What is Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis (ton-sil-lie-tiss) is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by an infection. In tonsillitis, the tonsils are enlarged, red, and often coated (either partly or entirely) by a substance that is yellow, gray, or white. Tonsillitis usually occurs as part of a pharyngitis (throat infection). Tonsilitis usually begins with sudden sore throat and painful swallowing.

Sometimes, tonsillitis reoccurs, and may cause difficulty breathing. If this occurs, your doctor may recommend taking them out. This procedure of removing tonsils from the throat is called a tonsillectomy.

What are Tonsils?

The tonsils are fleshy clusters of tissue that lie in bands on both sides of the back of the throat, above and behind the tongue. The tonsils' major function is to catch incoming germs before the germs cause infections in the throat, mouth, or sinuses. Tonsils contain infection-fighting cells and antibodies that stop the spread of the germs further into the body.

If the tonsils are taken out, the individual will not suffer from more infections than they did when they had their tonsils. There are other tissues in the body that will produce antibodies to fight infection.

What are the symptoms?

Each person with tonsillitis may not experience all of the symptoms. Some of the major symptoms are: a very sore throat, fever, redder-than-normal tonsils, chills, a yellow or white coating on the tonsils, a funny-sounding voice, swollen glands in the neck, and bad breath.

How is tonsillitis diagnosed?

Tonsillitis can be diagnosed by performing a rapid strep test, also called a throat culture. To perform the throat culture, the doctor will use a long cotton swab to swipe off some of the stuff on the surface of the back of your throat. The doctor will then test the "stuff" on the cotton swab. This test will determine whether you have tonsillitis and whether it is caused by a bacteria or a virus.

Is Tonsillitis Contagious?

Yes. Tonsillitis usually spreads from person to person by contact with the throat or nasal fluids of someone who is already infected.

How Is Tonsillitis Treated?

Treatment for tonsillitis depends on whether it was caused by a virus or bacteria. If the tonsillitis was caused by strep bacteria (streptococci), the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If the tonsillitis was caused by a virus, your body will fight off the infection on its own. However, medication can be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms.

How long does Tonsillitis Last?

If tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, with antibiotic treatment, the illness is usually cured within 1 week. However, it may take several weeks for the tonsils and swollen glands to return to normal size.

When tonsillitis is caused by viruses, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved. Usually, people are almost completely recovered within 1 week.


Paryanka means a bed, couch or sofa. This asana is a continuation of Supta Virasana. In it the body resembles a couch, hence the name.


  1. Sit in Virasana

  2. Exhale and recline on the back. Let the neck and the chest and arching the back up rest only the crown of the head on the floor. No part of the trunk should be on the floor.

  3. Bend the arms at the elbows. Hold with the right hand the left upper arm near the elbows and with the left hand the right upper arm near the elbow. Rest the folded arms on the floor behind the head.

  4. Stay in the pose for a minute with even breathing.

  5. Inhale, rest the trunk an d neck on the floor, release the hands and sit up in Virasana.

  6. Then straighten the legs one by one, lie flat on the back and relax.


As in Matsyasana and Prayankasana the dorsal region is fully extended so that the lungs are well expanded. The neck muscles are stretched and the thyroids and parathyroids are stimulated so that they function properly. Those who cannot perform Matsyasana will derive the same benefit from this exercise.

Whereas Virasana and Supta Virasana can be done at any time, even immediately after taking food, Paryankasana cannot be done immediately after a meal.

Some of the other asanas which also helps in tonsillitis are Sirsanas and whatever the asana is possible in the cycle, Padmasana and cycle, Urdhva mukha svanasana, Marichyasana, virasana, Viparita dandasana, Ujjayi and Nadisuddhi pranayama, Bhastrika.


Technique (This is for intermediate pupils)

  1. Stand erect with the feet one foot apart and the palms on the hips

  2. Push the pelvic region slightly forward, exhale and cure the trunk back so that the weight of the body is felt on the thighs and the toes.

  3. Raise the arms above the head and drop the hands on to the floor. Immediately try to straighten the arms at the elbows and rest the palms on the floor. If the elbows are not stretched immediately as the palms touch the floor, one is likely to bang the head.

  4. After securing the above position stretch the legs and arms straight.

  5. While learning the pose this way it is helpful to use a friend or a wall. Stand about three feet from a wall with your back to it. Curve the back and move the head towards the wall. Push the pelvis forward so that the body weight is felt on the thighs and move the palms down the wall until you touch the floor. Use the wall for coming up in a similar manner. After mastering this, only use the wall until you are half-way up. Then learn to do the asana in the middle of the room.

This article has been written by Dr. R. Nagarathna, Dean, Division of Yoga & Life-sciences, SVYASA
This article is published online courtesy
and Arogyadhama

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