Prevention is better than Cure. Preventive measures include - -
Awareness and correction of postures while standing, sitting and lying down, -
Regular exercises and -
Stress management . Yoga techniques involving slow body movements followed by practices of deep relaxation are useful in maintaining the strength and flexibility of the spine. In persons who have had a minor acute episode of back pain, regular practice of a basic set of yoga practices of 45 to 50 minutes including Suryanamaskar, loosening practices, 8 - 10 Asanas followed by deep relaxation, Pranayama and meditation as recommended in our programme for promotion of positive health can be practiced safely.
During acute episodes Rest in bed is necessary which could vary from a few days up to about 4-6 weeks until the severity of pain comes down. Pain killers, muscle relaxants, cold or hot fomentation during this period of total bed rest and immobilization will help you to get relief from the acute pain. Folded Legs Lumbar Stretch STAGE -I (with one leg) PRACTICE Sthiti: Supine Posture -
Lie down on your back with legs together and hands spread sideways at shoulder level. -
Palms are placed firmly pressed on the ground. -
Fold the right leg at the knee, placing the right ankle by the side of the left knee. -
Inhale. -
While exhaling slowly move the right knee to the right side towards the floor, as far as comfortable and simultaneously turn the head to the left as far as you can. -
Then inhaling ,raise the right knee up and turn the head back to the centre. -
Now, while exhaling move the right knee to the left towards the floor and simultaneously turn the head to the right. -
While inhaling bring back the right knee and the head to the starting position (i.e. to the centre). -
This is one round, Repeat five rounds. -
Repeat the same on the left side i.e., with the left leg folded and right leg straight on the floor. Note: -
The leg that is straight should remain undisturbed and the feet should remain perpendicular to the ground. -
If necessary, use the hand to place the knee on the floor. |