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Referring to the schematic in Figure 2, we can now see that the disturbances in the MANOMAYA KOSA percolates into the physical sheath (Annamaya Kosa) through the Pranamaya Kosa. Hence, in the treatment of these psychosomatic ailments it becomes mandatory to work in all these levels of our existence to bring about the quickest results. The integrated approach, thus consists in not only dealing with physical sheath, the relief of which could at best be temporary (as is happening with the drugs used in modern medicine to treat diseases of the psychosomatic type like Asthma, Diabetes Mellitus, Hyper-tension, etc.) but also using techniques to When this improperly digested food settles down in the body amidst such commotion, it results in ailments of the psychosomatic type. This process of Adhi becoming Vyadhi is shown schematically in Figure 4. Contained in this process of generation of psychosomatic ailments is the method for treating such ailments.

A) Annamaya Kosa (the physical Sheath) 

The physical movements and Yogasanas are used to operate at the Annamaya Kosa level and to remove the physical symptoms of the ailments. 

i) Kriyas are Yogic processes described in Hatha Yoga to cleanse the inner organs of our body. they bring about the follwing effects.28,23

a) Activating and revitalizing the organs.
b) Toning up their functions
c) Desensitization and
d) Development of deep internal awareness. Among the major Kriyas enumerated in the texts on Yoga 20,23 , simplified versions of few Kriyas 20 like catheter Neti, Jala Neti, Kapala bhati, Agnisara, Vaman Dhouti (Kunjal Kriya) etc. are used extensively.

ii) Physical exercises and Movement

Very simple physical movements to mobilise and activate particularly affected parts of the body are used. Some easy physical exercises are adopted26 to fulfil the needs of the particular ailments to:

a)    loosen the joints
b)    stretch and relax the muscles
c)    improve the forebearence power and
d)    develop stamina

iii) Yogasanas

Yogasanas are physical postures of ten iminationg the natural positions of the animals meant to tranquil the mind. Through these postures are brought the physical revitalization and deep relaxation, and mental calmness. Appendix 2 details out the characteristic of Yogasanas, clearly distinguishing them form physical exercises.

B) PRANAMAYA KOSA (the Sheath of Prana)

Prana is the basic life principle. Pranayama is a process for gaining control over Prana. Appendix 3 describes the 5 manifestations of Prana in the human system as depicted in Prasnopanisat 18A and the corresponding most comprehensive definition of Pranayama. Also the conventional Pranayama through regulation of breath is described therein. differences between normal breathing. Kriy and Pranayama are clearly depicted.

Through the practice of proper breathing, Kriyas and Pranayama, we start operating on the Pranayama, we start operation on the Pranayama, we start operating on the Pranamaya Kosa. Suitable types of pranayama and breathing help to remove the random agitations in Pranic flows in the Pranamaya Kosa. Thus, the ailments are handled at this pranamaya Kosa level.


A direct operation on this level is made possible by the last 3 limbs of Astanga Yoga of Patanjali17A -Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. The culturing of mind is accomplished by focussing of the mind (Dharana) initially and followed by relaxed dwelling of the mind in a single thought (Dhyana) for longer and longer durations leading ultimately to super consciousness (Samadhi). A progressive habituation allows the mind to remain relaxed during the period of meditation (Dhyana). The benefits of Transcendental Meditation, a simple standardised technique are numerous, interesting and noteworthy.1.3 Its application to treat many psychosomatic ailments has become popular. 1,3,5,8

We use the Yoga techniques to control our emotions. A devotional session containing Prayers, Chants, Bhajans, Namavalis, Dhuns, Stotras etc., help to build a congenial atmosphere to evoke, recognise, attenuate and dissipate the emotions. Thus, control over emotions is obtained through the devotional session. The emotional imbalances and upsurges are eliminated by such control.


A basic understanding is the key to operate from Vijnanamaya Kosa. Upanisats are the treasury of such knowledge which is the redeemer of all miseries and obsession. It is the lack of that inner Jnana which is responsible for many wrong habits, agitations etc. The Happiness Analysis-Ananda Mimamsa of the Taitteriya Upanisat handles the most fundamental problem relevant to all living creatures. The analysis, systematically leads the reader to that substratum from which Prana and mind emerges the Ananda Maya Kosa. It helps the person to change his attitude of greed and deep attachment to material possessions and enjoyments towards the realization that happiness is within and 'each one of us' in our causal state is ' Ananda' embodied. 5.14 As a result, man's outlook in life changes. Knowledge burns the strong attachments, obsessions, likes and dislikes which are the basic reasons for the agitations of mind. The Sara type of Adhis can only be removed by this knowledge (Atma-Jnana or Self-Realisation). 14

This integrated approach is being used in our Yoga Therapy and Research Centres at Kanyakumari and Bangalore. The participants of these Yoga Therapy courses are exposed to the various dimensions of human evolution as outlined above. Our earlier report No.VKYTRC / 001/ KK/80 summarised the results of our work on various psychosomatic ailments like Bronchial Asthma, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and cardiac problems, Digestive disorders etc. Future reports which are now in offing deal with our more systematic and detailed work connected with the above ailments.

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