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Group average time taken in seconds for the yoga and control groups at five trials on Days 1 and 30 are given in Fig. 1.

Two factor analysis of variance (ANOVA)

I) Time taken to complete the maze

The yoga group showed a significant difference between the assessments on Day 1 and Day 30, i.e., Factor A, F = 110.46, P<.001. There was a significant difference between the 5 trials, i.e., Factor B, F = 17.06, P<.001. The interaction between the factors (A x B) was also significant, F = 3.01, P<.05. The control group showed a significant difference in both cases between assessments on Day 1 and Day 30, i.e., Factor A, F = 22.88, P<.001, and Factor B (between trials), F = 8.53, P<.001.

II) Number of blind alleys (errors)

For the yoga group there was a significant difference between assessments on Day 1 and Day 30, i.e., Factor A, F = 60.93, P<.001, and for Factor B (between the 5 trials), F = 6.04, P<.001. The differences were not significant for the control group.

Tukey test for multiple comparisons between means

I) Trial 1 values on Day 30 compared to Day 1

The yoga group showed a significant decrease in time taken (q = 10.63, P<.001) and number of errors (q = 6.50, P<.001) at the end of 30 days, compared with Day 1.

II) Comparison of Trial 5 with the respective Trial 1

At the first assessment (Day 1), both yoga and control subjects showed a significant decrease in time taken for Trial 5 compared with Trial 1 (yoga group: q = 10.84, P< .001; control group: q = 5.74, P<.005). On Day 30, there was a significant difference in time taken between Trial 5 and Trial 1 for the control group (q = 4.49, P<.05). On Day 1 the yoga group showed a significant decrease in number of errors at Trial 5 compared to Trial 1 (q = 6.16, P<.001). As the standard table gives q values for ‘v’ at 120 and at µ but not at 300, values at µ have been considered (8). There was no significant difference in baseline values (Day 1, Trial 1) between groups.

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