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5 ways to Manage your spring Allergies

By Arun Goel

Spring has always been so poetic. Unfortunately, for many it is a time where their suffering peaks with all that pollen in the air.

Most of us have knocked our heads out in trying to find that elusive panacea for spring allergies.

So, is a solution there? Hmm... not exactly, but a lot of things you can do to reduce its impact upon you.

Caveat: These solutions may be cumbersome in some way as they are challenging to your senses and require some discipline. It's also true that - pampered as we are - we may not have the perseverance to work on it consistently. But what the hell, I'm going to share these with you anyway..

  1. Cut that sugar to ZERO
    That's right ZERO. No sugar in your tea; no sweetened foods (whether artificial or natural) or beverages. Cut that sugar out and you will see the intensity of your symptoms reduce. Maybe not immediately, but in a day or two.
  2. Say NO to Coffee, Alcohol
    Who knows whether it's the caffeine or something else. But coffee is certainly not sinus or throat friendly. The sooner you realize that, the better for your sinus & throat allergies. Instead, take several cups of Green tea during the day (without milk or sugar).
  3. Cut down on RAW food
    Yep... no salads, no fruits in raw form. If you must, have them steamed or boiled
  4. No fried foods or dairy products or nuts
    Avoid, milk, butter, oils, fats (including nuts) and even refined doughs. These are mucus forming and would make the symptoms worse. There is an EXCEPTION which brings us to the next point.
  5. Drink Turmeric Milk
    Turmeric contains curcumin - a very good "natural" antibiotic and healer. See if you can get the whole turmeric root from your grocers or else opt for the ground turmeric powder. Chop a quarter of an inch into small pieces (or 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric powder) and add to your milk. Boil and consume.
  6. Use the Neti Pot
    Using the Neti Pot almost always has great results for Spring Allergies. We know this because the demand for our SteloKleen always peaks in Spring. So long as you don't have clogged sinuses, neti will greatly relieve your symptoms. You can always buy the SteloKleen Neti Pot online by clicking here
The trick lies in managing your allergies by minimizing the suffering while the spell lasts. These guidelines should help you ride out the storm without resorting to medications.


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Courtesy: http://www.healthandyoga.com A popular website that helps you find natural solutions for complete health and detoxification.

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