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We face pollution and stressful situations almost daily. Stress harms our health and natural beauty. In the same way, environmental pollution affects our skin and health negatively. To remain positive and energetic, it is relaxing to indulge in this face care therapy.
DIY’s for Positive Evening after work: Cleanse your face well. Rub with silicone mild face scrub on your face gently for 4-5 minutes. This helps in removing blemishes, dirt particles and dead skin. After that, switch on some soothing music or stay calm as per choice. Pull out your blue Anti-wrinkle cooling gel face mask from the refrigerator and place on your face. If you prefer a warm balmy relaxation, run the gel mask in the microwave for a few seconds. Tighten the straps with the help of adjusting Velcro on your face. Stay relaxed for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, you can feel energized once again and be set for the rest of the evening with new zeal and positivity.
It's a good day to buy the items you saved for later
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