Scalp and Head Massager

  • Eases the tension in the nerves and relieves headache and stress.
  • Well designed - wooden grip and stainless steel fingers with touch points of solid resin.
  • Compact shape ,easy to use in home and while travelling.
  • 3 pcs. Set - can be used for gifting friends and relatives.
US$ 4.95
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The scalp massager is a scientifically designed hand tool. It has wooden end at the top to provide fatigue free grip, also has twisted arm so that all the 12 fingers are bound tightly which results in durability of the product.

The 12 flexible fingers made of high grade stainless steel soft tipped wires. These flex to follow the contour of the head and produce the most amazing sensations. The smooth resin tips of the multi-pronged fingers delicately pass over your scalp. The tingling effect transcendsfrom the head to extremities creating a holistic sensation.

This head massager is highly durable and breakage free. It can be used anywhere and anytime as it is very handy.So grab this deal to get the most exhilarating massage every time!!

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Scalp and Head Massager




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