Stainless steel Reusable straws Bent Set of 4

  • High quality Stainless steel straws, Durable, Re-usable, Size comes in 2 variations
  • Do not deteriorate over time, Robust, rust-free, eco-friendly and recyclable
  • BPA & Phthalate free thus non-carcinogenic and non-neurotoxic, easy to clean
  • High tensile strength to drink juice directly from fruit like orange
  • Does not react to alkaline or acidic foods; retains the temperature of your drink and prevents it from melting down.
US$ 12.95
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If you are tired of buying straws every time after party then this is an innovative product for you. Made up of pure stainless steel, it is 100 % environment friendly product. You don’t have to buy this product again and again. These multi-occasional merveilleux straight pipes can be used anywhere and anytime for drinking purpose. It can be used for stirring as well. These straws are well versed with all the metallic properties. These are shiny, fancy, easily washable with unique design can grab attention of anyone. These beautiful innovation is a breakthrough in anti-pollution movement.

Caution: Not advisable to consume hot-drinks

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Stainless steel Reusable straws Bent Set of 4




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