Ribbed Silicone Hose - 1.5 m

  • Ribbed Silicone Enema Tube or Hose- Length 1.5 metres
  • Superior hose for enema compared to a PVC hose.
  • Has an outer diameter of 5/16". It fits into a standard size nozzle.
  • Also comes as a part of HealthAndYoga 2 Quart Enema Bag Kit.
  • It is easy to clean, so Silicone Hose is preferred for coffee and herbal enemas. PVC hose is mostly used for general enemas.
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Ribbed Enema Hose 1.5 metres for Home Enemas
Silicone Enema tubing popularly called as Hose, is used to connect the enema bag or container to the nozzle.

Silicone is a fine material, and unlike plastic or PVC does not leech. Goes without saying, since its not plastic makes it a better eco-friendly option.
Ribbed Silicone Hose comes as a standard inclusion with the H&Y 2 Quart Enema Bag Kit. However, it can be bought separately too.

Its length is 1.5 meters which is sufficient for a satisfactory and easy self administered enema. Silicone tubing is especially recommended to people with latex allergy. It is an ideal hose for enemas with additives like coffee enemas and herbal enemas.

At H&Y variety of Enema hoses are available:
Plain Silicone Hose - 2 metres
PVC Enema Hose( with blue ends)- 1.5 metres

Enema Tubings at H&Y

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Ribbed Silicone Hose - 1.5 m




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