Yoga Retreat

A Comparative study of three different Yoga modules on Logical Memory in school children

Mallikarjuna, Nagarathna R. and Nagendra H.R.
Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, Bangalore, India

Abstract :Uni-nostril breathing increases spatial memory score without lateralized effects. Hence, the present study assessed the effect of integrated approach of yoga module (IAYM) on the performance in logical memory test of Schoolchildren.


Summary & Conclusion :This study was on school children undergoing a residential yoga for 10 days observed the efficacy of IAY on logical memory. The assessment was done by the Indian version of Wechsler memory scale for logical memory.

Which showed a significant improvement in all three groups following their respective interventions. The group comparisons showed that, no significant difference between the groups. In both males & females there was no significant difference between groups.

Jayshree et al. had used this Wechsler memory scale in school going epileptic children and showed impaired attention, concentration and logical memory (16). In another study, RG Mc Credie et al have used Wechsler memory test in Indian schizophrenics in UK to study their memory (17).

Earlier reports described relatively better verbal performance during both naturally occurring right nasal dominance and right forced Uni-nostril breathing practitioners of Kundalini yoga (14). Khalsa et. al. observed a non significant change in verbal performance after forced right nostril or pranayama, type of nostril breathing(15). An earlier studying our residential setup on 108 children (10-17 years) who practiced Uni-nostril breathing along with IYM showed a significant increase in spatial memory as compared to non yoga control group. And also there was a non significant change in verbal memory (a left hemispheric task). Hence the present study was under taken to assess the effect of IAYM on logical memory which is also a left hemispheric task. Since general module of IAY had only shown a trend of improvement in verbal memory (a left hemispheric task), the need to evolve a better module to improve IQ (left hemispheric function) was felt. From the results of this study it appears that the yoga module for IQ was more suitable than earlier module used by us in 1997 for improving logical memory or it may be that Wechsler logical memory test may be easier test than verbal memory test since this shown significant changes.

Several factors could contribute to the improvement in logical memory in all groups. Children were enthusiastic, excited & happy during this summer camp which may explain the positive effect of motivation on memory scores in all three groups. Reduced anxiety can improve the performance on tasks requiring learning and memory (13) and the anxiety reducing effect of yoga practices, in general is already known. Notional correction is possible by yoga, which could have reduced the subject’s anxiety levels and developed self-awareness which could be the cause of increased logical memory among children.

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