Yoga Retreat

Changes in Heart Rate Variability After Kunjala Kriya

A Dissertation Submitted by
Sujatha KJ


Abstract: The present study was conducted to have a comprehensive view of the concepts of two basic purificatory processes in Yoga and Ayurveda. Purificatory processes are mentioned in Vedas. The purification through Sat karmas which is also commonly known as Sat kriyas, is mentioned first in Hatha yoga pradipika. The Sat karmas, the six cleansing techniques are named as Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli, and Kapalabhati. Caraka, the Ayurveda Acarya, mentions the practice of different limbs of yoga for the prevention and cure of the diseases and maintenance of health along with other procedures of the Ayurveda. The Ayurveda texts describe the five purificatory processes called Panca karmas. They are Vamana, Virecana, Vasti, Nasya and Rakta moknana.Both the Sat karmas and Panca karmas, the hodhana type of treatments, are based on same concepts of improving the health Each of the Sat karmas can be compared with the Panca karmas either by the similarities with their procedure or by the similar effect over the body. For example Basti with Vasti, Neti with Nasya, Vamana dhauti with Vamana karma, Varisara (Shankha praknalana) with Virecana is compared with one another for the same reason. Variations in practice also have similarities. For example Karna dhauti and Oiling of ears, Jihva mula dhauti and Oral gargling, Danta mula dhauti and Danta praknalana, danna dhauti and oral hygiene through gargling. Thus, in this study, an effort is made to explore the similarities between the Sat karmas and Panca karmas relating to their basic concepts and therapeutic effects. A combined approach of using herbs in various Sat karmas is also listed with few commonly used herbs. Further research can be done on beneficial effects of use of herbs in Sat karmas.

Summary & Conclusion: The matched case control study was aimed to determine the effect of kunjala kriya on autonomic nervous system using heart rate variability. The two groups of healthy subjects (38 & 32) were studied. The experienced group (Ex) had practised kunjala kriya at least four times before, the novices (Nv) practised kunjala kriya for the first time. The HRV recorded for five minutes immediately before and after the kriya. Design was matched case control. As data was normally found to be distributed (Shapiro- Wilk test), paired t-test was done for analysis. The result showed decrease in the HRV spectrum in experienced subjects rather than novices. There was more increase in heart rate in novices subjects rather than exposed subjects. The genderwise comparison (Independent t- test) between experienced and novices showed that there is significant change in the males of the novices group and there was no significant difference in between the females of two groups.

The result of this study can be summarized that the sympathetic stimulation as shown by heart rate variability spectrum is less in the subjects who are experienced to kunjala kriya earlier when compared to those who are novices.

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