Yoga Retreat

A comparative study of the effect of three specific Integrated yoga Modules on Manual Dexterity in school students

Avinash M (M Sc), Sanjay K (M Sc.), Nagarathna R* (MD.,
 FRCP) Dean, Division of yoga and life science, 
Deemed University, Recognized by Government of India, Ministry of HRD,
 New Delhi and Nagendra H R (ME, PhD) Vice Chancellor.

Abstract : This study was conducted to compare the fine motor performance of school students using three different integrated yoga modules. After stratifying for sex and age (Boys=403, girls = 243; juniors 9-12yrs, seniors 13-17 yrs), 604 school students were randomly allotted to three groups. All the 3 groups were trained in specific yoga modules designed for improving Physical Stamina (PS =218), Creativity (CR =216) and Analytical Intelligence (IQ, =212), for 10 days in a residential set up in South India. Fine motor performance was assessed using Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test on day 1 and 9. There was significant improvement (Paired t test p=<0.001) in manual dexterity in all three groups (PS=13.5%, CR=14.4% and IQ=9.1%). Multiple comparisons (ANOVA and Tukey test) indicated significantly greater improvement in PS compared to IQ and no significant difference between PS and CR. The junior group showed significantly greater improvement than the senior group.


Summary & Conclusion : In this stratified randomized study on 646 schools going students in age 9-17 yrs of both sexes, manual dexterity was measured before and after the practice of three specific IAY modules designed to enhance Physical Stamina (PS), Creativity (CR) or Analytical Intelligence (IQ) in a 10 days residential program. The group who practiced the specific integrated yoga module to enhance PS showed significantly greater increase in manual dexterity 13.5% than the IQ group (9.1%). Increase in manual dexterity in CR group (14.4%) was similar to PS group. All groups showed significant increase in manual dexterity (p<0.001)
These results are similar to earlier studies in which we had non-yoga control group of students and adults who had shown significant improvement in different motor skills as measured by static motor performance (1),tweezer dexterity (2), hand steadiness (3), grip strength (4), and finger tapping speed(6).
In the earlier study on dexterity (tweezer dexterity), Manjunath et al demonstrated a 25 - 37% increase after 30 days of IAY practices in adults (25 - 40 yrs) where as the present study shows 9 - 14% change (MMD test) after ten days of yoga in students of 9 - 17 yrs.
In table 4, between group comparison shows that the PS and CR group had much better improvement than the IQ group although statistically only the difference between the PS and IQ group shows significant values (P=0.007). This indicates that the yoga techniques used to improve creativity have useful roll in developing dexterity similar to the PS group.
Earlier studies on forced uninostril breathing have demonstrated facilitation of the functions of the cerebral hemisphere contra lateral to the patent nostril (9).Based on this observation we had included right nostril breathing pranayama called suryanuloma viloma (SAV-27 rounds 4 times a day) for the IQ group which is a left brain function. Left nostril breathing or candranuloma viloma (CAV-27 rounds 4 times a day) for CR group (activating the right brain function) and alternate nostril breathing called nadisuddhi (NS-12 rounds 4 times a day) for PS group. It appears that better performance in dexterity seen in CR and PS groups could be explained by the reduced sympathetic arousal and balance produced by left nostril and alternate nostril breathing pranayama practices respectively.
Dexterous or skilled actions depend on the speed of gross movements of hands and arms, manual rhythm, and coordination of eye and finger control (2).An induced co-relation between high anxiety and poor performance in a motor task using a peg board has been demonstrated by Stocker (10). We have shown reduced subjective and objective indicators of anxiety in patients with anxiety neurosis (11). Hence the anxiety reducing effect and reduced sympathetic arousal could be the factors that have contributed to the improvement in this complex motor and perceptual skill as measured by this fine motor performance test.
Higher improvement in the junior group (13.70%) compared to seniors (10.19%) shows that these modules can improve the dexterity skills to a greater degree in early ages. This could be explained by greater degree of plasticity and hence the faster learning skills in younger age group. Hence it will be valuable to incorporate yoga in school education system at an early age.
There were no significant differences between boys and girls in any of the 3 groups. Hence, improvement in manual dexterity through yoga is not gender dependent.
Thus, this study has shown that Integrated yoga practices in a residential set up can improve manual dexterity in students and the special set of Yoga practices designed for PS and CR has better efficacy than IQ module.

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